spanish fly raspberry romance10 new different fragrances.experience it doing it with all your senses.the fresh taste of apple, banana or blueberry, can you think of these sweet sensations without them being in a cake? Or are you a fan of the cola? Now enjoying is double with the spanish fly. this legendary love filter that for centuries has been famous for its name and as a stimulator of lust; This popular product is now available in 10 different fragrances. These flavors further stimulate the desire and transport of you and your partner giving a heavenly atmosphere and adding lust to both. The Spanish Fly Tropical Kiwi, for example, is ideal in drinks party by the pool to make love much more intensely and for a shower of sweet kisses. new look and new confection. choose your favorite flavor now: caramel, fresh apple, chocolate, blueberry mix, pineapple pleasure, dream strawberry, romantic raspberry, tropical kiwi, sunset banana and cola.flavor: romantic raspberry.dosage: apply 1 ml (5 to 7 drops) under the tongue, approximately 30 minutes before sexual activity. do not apply more than 2 times in 24 hours. ingredients: for 1 ml: l-arginine (13 mg), vitamin c (4.7 mg). 15 ml container.